The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 10 Recap: Inmates

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 10 "Inmates"
Don't spoilers. Open inside. 

Okay, here we go. Here are the characters that I care about! This episode started off exactly the way I wanted it to, with Daryl and Beth kicking ass. It also started off exactly how I didn't want: with Beth reading a diary entry talking about them finding a safe place back when they found the prison. Why do you do this to my emotions? Now I know that a lot of people are making a fuss about Daryl and Beth together, but I really think that this was the perfect move. I can't see them getting together romantically but their personalities compliment each other. Or at least, Beth's compliments Daryl. He can't make it alone and god knows what would happen to him if he wasn't around someone who has enough faith and hope to go around. Daryl may be one of the best survivalists of the group, but he does't make good decisions on his own let's face it. Anyways, we see Beth storm off as a one woman rescue team before Daryl finally joins her. They pick up some tracks and follow them out to a group of recently dead being eaten by Walkers. It didn't show us their faces and we're left to wonder.

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 10 "Inmates"
Daryl and Beth find some tracks.

Then we see the two (psycho) girls (who should have guns) and Tyreese! I knew Tyreese had Judith - I KNEW IT! And bless his heart, but he's got the toughest lot: two young girls (one just NOT RIGHT in the head) and a screaming baby. That can't be easy, but he manages. I think Tyreese is going to be a father on this show. I just feel it and I think he'd make a great one. Once some birds scare off the younger girl, we see what Daryl saw while tracking so the storylines are starting to mesh together. Hopefully this is a sign that they'll start finding each other.

After Tyreese and (psycho) girl catch up, they hear a scream. Tyreese has to run off, leaving the girls there. Now, I bet there are people grumbling about this, but what else can he do? He can't take them with him since he might run into more trouble than he can handle and he's given them the best instructions you can in the situation (look out back to back and run towards him if they see walkers). So he runs to find the same scene Daryl and Beth saw only while it's still in progress. He fights to try and save a few unknown people from walkers, but can't make it. Meanwhile the girls in the woods are attracting attention with a crying Judith. Now, I don't think psycho girl is really trying to kill Judith when she covers her mouth. I think she did the only thing she knew how to muffle the crying and then started to lose her freaking mind. Her and Carl will be perfect together. Then we see the walkers coming for them. I really hope they die. Not Judith. Just the girls.

"But you're not like Sasha. Because you're here and Sasha's not." Kid, you need a quick shot to the face. Seriously.


But that never happens does it? However, I'm willing to accept this because CAROL'S BACK! And she kicks ass and shows up to help Tyreese with both girls and Judith on her hip. That's the first time I said, "Oh god, he doesn't know..." Tyreese is so happy to have Carol back and so much has happened. Maybe he won't freak out when he finds out, but we'll have to wait and see. However, Carol mentioned that she saw the end of the fight with the Governor, so I think she was one of the people we previously saw spying on the prison group - we just thought it was the Governor at the time. I imagine she refused to leave without the girls and planned to come back for them or at least make sure they were safe. Either way, Tyreese you are a lucky bastard because you're tough, but Carol's tougher.

The last surviving guy that Tyreese saved talked about a place at the end of the railroad tracks, a safe place. Then they get there to see a sign that reads "Sanctuary for all. Community for all. Those who arrive survive". I bet those people aren't crazy at all. I bet totally sane people write signs like that. They definitely won't get there and see heads on pikes.

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 10 "Inmates"
And you thought your family was screwed up. Carol joins Tyreese and crew.

We veer off to Maggie, Sasha, and... the alcoholic guy. Sasha is another one who's lucky she's got good people. I love her so much, but she's really got to rely on other people having more hope because she would die inside otherwise. After Maggie has determined to go after Glenn, they follow along only to find the bus seemingly abandoned. But we all know better because this show's called The Walking Dead, right? So she does the only thing she can do - open the bus to kill them off and search for Glenn in the wreckage. He wasn't there of course. Glenn doesn't go down like that. And Maggie may not be entirely happy right now, but she knows Glenn wasn't in there. Small comfort but it matters.

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 10 "Inmates"
Maggie leads Sasha and guy to the bus.

Then we're off to Glenn. At first I thought where the hell is he? Then we see he's in the wreckage of the prison. Unluckily it looks like he was on the catwalk WHILE it got blow to bits by the tank. Luckily, he was up high enough to not get eaten and the walkers haven't really made it inside yet. So he staggers into C Block, into his and Maggie's cell. You have no idea how glad I was that he didn't a) completely lose his mind and b) still had the riot gear. I have so much faith in Glenn you just don't even know. He packs a bag and dons the gear to nearly get trampled to death running out of the prison. At the last second, he looks over and sees someone in the cage around outside. Me and my mom both went, "Who the hell is that guy?" Turns out it wasn't a guy at all. It was the sister lady from the Governors latest group, the one who couldn't deal with the attack and ran away. Glenn decides he needs her and gets them both out of the prison yard and onto the road. That's when he finds out Hershel is dead. Oh my baby. Let me hold you. Also, can I flip out just a little over the fact that this is the first time I remember hearing Glenn call Maggie his wife? Glenn's just full of reserves of hope though and manages to keep them both going. After his little speech, I proclaimed that Glenn should be President of the United States, slightly startling my mom, but she quickly agreed. Poor Glenn may be a badass but he's still sick and collapses as they fight off a few walkers. She comes to his rescue only to find out she had an audience. A mysterious group in a giant military truck. They are from camp crazy and you know it.

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 10 "Inmates"
Glenn pep talks other lady.

 And then it ended. Just like that. Over. These episodes are too short! I can't believe how many times I said, "Oh, that's right he doesn't know..." Because hey, they never got a chance to tell Tyreese that Carol killed Karen and David. And Glenn was still in death row and didn't know that Hershel was murdered. And Maggie never saw Glenn run to find her (though we all new that was coming). I hate how hopeless they all were about others surviving. You saw them run off! Guys! You've lived this long and you're a large group - have faith in each other. You know that someone else survived so just find them and you'll be better off. Maybe not in actual safety but at least emotionally.

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 10 "Inmates"
Completely normal sign.

 So it looks like we're going to find another camp. Probably full of crazy people. That's just how this seems to go. Instead, I'm going to focus on the fact that my golden boys are still alive. Now if TWD was like a Fantasy Football League or something, I've got my top team. Walker Slaying Dream Team: Michonne, Daryl & Glenn Alternates: Tyreese, Maggie & Sasha What's your dream team?

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