The Walking Dead Season 4 Finale - Episode 16 Recap: "A"

Don't spoilers. Open inside.

Oh my god it's here! The end is here!

I get 3 out of 4 points for my predictions last week. After the last episode, I predicted that Joe's group would catch up to Rick's and that someone would recognize him leading to all hell breaking loose. Triple points to me. I also predicted that Rick would have to kill a bitch, but he's got to do that in every episode so I won't count it. I also predicted that they wouldn't make it to Terminus. Way wrong.

This episode opens with a blast from the past - everyone happy and alive at the prison. This was before the Governor, before Carol getting kicked out, before they even dug in and started a life there. It's sort of amazing to see because of how many things have happened since then. Rick is having this particular flashback while sitting alone on a road covered in blood. This is way more normal than is... normal.

Back in real life, Rick, Michonne, and Carl camped out on the way to Terminus. They might be hungry, but they're alive and happy. Rick takes them to check a snare, even explaining it to Carl, when they hear screaming. Carl runs to help a lone man surrounded by a group of walkers. Rick rushes to hold him back. Now, I will say that while I have many issues with Carl, he is one of the only people still around that will rush to help strangers. That counts in a world like that.

To avoid more walkers, they make a run for it and eventually get away. They end up camping on the road with Carl asleep in a car. And along comes Joe.

Joe's man recognized Rick and they surround our group. There's a gun to Rick's head, one to Michonne's, another man is dragging Carl out of the car. That's when Daryl shows up and asks Joe to let them go - that they're good people. Now, according to Joe, that's a lie and he orders the others to beat Daryl to death. Me and my mom were yelling for Daryl to "claim" them the whole time. He even offers to let them take their pound of flesh from him instead of Rick, you hero you.

Rick and Michonne try to fight as well, especially hard after one of the men throws Carl down and is obviously going to rape him. Everyone is kung-foo fighting until Joe gets ahold of Rick. Rick-san has learned well from the walkers and takes a bite out of his jugular with his teeth. After that, it's pretty easy to take them all down. Except for the one who held down Carl. Oh, he dies alright, but Rick takes it out of him in a very bloody and painful way. He deserves it.

This scene will go down in infamy. Rick takes a bite out of Joe.
By daylight, Rick is still bloody. Rick and Daryl talk, reassuring each other that they're good men and finally together again. That's all that matters. All four make their way to Terminus. They arrived WAY earlier than I expected them too. Carl decides to go with Michonne to scout out, where they have a heart to heart. We finally hear how she lost her baby Andre. Carl confesses to feeling like a monster, just like his dad. I'm kinda with you, kid. However, anyone can come back as we've seen before. He also has his moments, like earlier in the episode. If they can just find some place to hunker down, they'll be okay.

They're smart about entering Terminus, checking the perimeter and going in through the back. I still don't trust these people. They are searched but invited in and offered a plate. It's all going as well as can be expected when everyone from our group is belligerent as shit. Then Rick spots it.

Hershal's watch. The one Glenn always carries with him.

He immediately grabs the guy and points a gun at his head, demanding to know where they got these things - the pocket watch, Daryl's poncho... We got it off a dead body. Yeah right. They all draw their guns and start shooting. Only the Terminus people aren't hitting them, they're herding them. They pass shipping crates with voices shouting in them, before they are herded into one themselves. This is where they finally know what happened to their people. Inside they meet up with Glenn's group. What should be a happy reunion is very bitter sweet due to the fact that they're all trapped like rats.

All throughout these scenes, Rick is having flashbacks like in the start, back to the prison. We get the chance to see Hershal again, and he's talking sense into Rick like you'd expect. He's telling him that the war is over and it's time to teach his son how to live and not just survive. It's time to start planting and living peacefully. That he's got to start being the man he wants his son to grow up to be. It contrasts sharply with the man he is now. One who is willing to do whatever he has to again, just to survive and protect. However, he's also got pieces of that peaceful man inside him that has the potential to come out in the right circumstances.

Rick is waffling again about what "kind of man" he is. Way to ruin an episode, Rick! However, I will say that at least he's doing it a lot faster and with more sanity than ever before.

It's okay, Rick says. They don't know who they're messing with.

Yep. Totally sane people - totally sane signs.
As far as good lines go, they get a point. As far as season finale's go, are you kidding me? They don't know who they're messing with?! What the hell is that? When he said "don't worry", I was expecting him to follow up with something along the lines of "I've got ninjas in the woods" or "I packed extra guns in my fanny pack" - anything other than that.

Also, I hate that Daryl didn't really tell anyone about Beth. What's up with all of you people being intolerably vague? How about telling him what the car looked like and he guys, if you see it, let's search the trunk. Maybe we'll find Beth that way. Maybe it'll give people hope that she's still alive because "gone" means turned into a walker in this world. Damn. However, after he hears that the new people in the container with them helped to save the lives of Glenn, Maggie, Bob, and Sasha, he claims that they're now friends to them too. You redeem a half a point.

Now, while I loved seeing Joe's group getting taken down, I'm sad about actually losing Joe. I felt like he would be a good antagonistic character for the show. At least for a little while to keep things interesting.

New predictions! I think the plate of food they offer people (is probably people) is drugged. They herd these drugged people into crates either to start the conversion process for the Terminus cult or to put in those wooden shipping boxes as distractions for the dead.

Also, Carol is going to save them. Let's be real, she ain't having that shit. She'll whip out her gun and go Rambo while Tyrese holds the baby. Then they'll all meet up, hug, and plant a farm. Beth will be in one of the boxes alive. Bam! Season 5 decoded.

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