The Big Bang Theory Season Three Review
Overall Rating: 4 / 5
The American show The Big Bang Theory is about two genius scientists, Leonard and Sheldon, who live together. When a beautiful new neighbor, Penny, moves in she is enfolded into their lives along with their two other friends, both of whom are genius scientists as well. Each episode is 18-33 minutes without commercials. The show that first aired in 2007 and is expected to run through to at least 2017.
Season Three kicks off with an establishing relationship between Leonard and Penny. They're starting to get used to what is means to be together, but Leonard has been invested in their relationship a lot longer than Penny. This leads to him pushing her too far by saying he loves her first and then pressuring her to say it back. As a result, she breaks up with him though they hook up afterwards when Penny showed up drunk a few weeks later.
However, we also start to see a whole new side of Howard as well as we get introduced to his new girlfriend Bernadette. Have you met his girlfriend, Bernadette? We don't see her for many episodes, then later find out they broke up when Howard's trying to worm his way into someone else's bed. These two relationships are the largest part of the series this season as many things happen to the characters, but don't add significantly to their overall character arc. However, the season was very enjoyable and a fitting followup to the last two seasons.
My Top 11 Favorite Moments of Season Three
- S3.E4: Howard becoming clingy with Leonard and Penny since Raj got a new job with Sheldon.
- S3.E5: Sheldon vs Will Wheaton
- S3.E6: Howard and Raj's intimate day after their couple fight
- S3.E7: Sheldon regressing into a scared child when people fight
- S3.E8: Sheldon comforting Penny in the ER
- S3.E10: Penny explaining to Bernadette why Sheldon has a spot, showing just how much a part of the group she has become.
- S3.E11: Penny and Beverly drinking culminating in Beverly kissing Sheldon. Also, karaoke!
- S3.E14: A deranged, sleep-deprived Sheldon in the ball pit.
- S3.E16: Sheldon doing the same crap he always does except to a judge. I was hoping he'd get a prison name while he was there, like Sheldon "The Mantis" Cooper.
- S3.E17: Sheldon's drunk acceptance speech and the resulting Youtube video.
- S3.E23: Sheldon meeting Amy Farrah Fowler for the first time.
Fun Facts
- Will Wheaton, an actor popular from Star Trek, starts his occasional appearances on this show in this season. He is a gamer and is introduced as one of Sheldon's arch enemies.
- Katee Sackoff, an actress known for her role as Starbuck in the remade Battlestar Galactica, was featured this season. She is the second actor from the show to appear on The Big Bang Theory.
Where to Watch
New episodes of The Big Bang Theory show airs on CBS. Unfortunately, episodes are not on Netflix streaming, Amazon Prime, or Hulu yet, but you can buy The Big Bang Theory: Season 3
You can read the reviews for other Big Bang Theory Seasons by clicking below.